Hemp Oil vs Cannabinoid Oil: Understanding the Differences

Alternaleaf Team
Written by
Alternaleaf Team
Aug 21, 2024
Last updated:
Aug 21, 2024

Hemp oil, CBD oil, medical cannabis, seeds, flowers, extraction methods…with such a vast array of cannabis related products and lots of jargon too, navigating the available options and finding the right product for your symptoms can be daunting and confusing. Read on to discover the differences between hemp oil and CBD oil and how to find the right treatment for your needs.

Hemp oil vs. CBD oil - Key Differences

While hemp oil and CBD oil both come from the cannabis plant, they are very different in terms of how they are used and how they are produced. 

Put simply, hemp oil is an oil extracted from the seeds of the cannabis plant. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) omega 3 and 6 which are sometimes described as “good fats”. It is mainly used in cooking or skin care. 

Hemp oil contains very low levels of CBD and does not contain THC. While it might be quite delicious drizzled on your salad, hemp oil will not offer the same degree of therapeutic effects associated with the cannabinoids CBD and THC. 

CBD oil is extracted from the cannabis flower, leaves and stalks. It has higher levels of CBD than hemp oil. However, it does not contain THC and is not a prescribed medicine like medical cannabis. Instead, it is classed as a food supplement.

How are hemp oil and CBD oil obtained?

Hemp oil is obtained through cold pressing in a similar way to other plant oils such as olive oil. The seeds are crushed which releases their precious oils.

Separating out the beneficial elements such as CBD from the cannabis plant requires some chemistry and is a little more complicated. There are several different methods of obtaining CBD from the cannabis plant. For example, this can involve mixing the plant material with a solvent such as ethanol to draw out the cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. The process is then completed by removing the solvent from the cannabinoids through evaporation leaving the elements you want behind.

Benefits and effects

As mentioned, the common uses for hemp oil include cooking and cosmetics. Research has shown that essential fatty acids (“good fats”) found in plant oils and oily fish (such as salmon and mackerel) can help ensure that your heart is healthy and may also reduce inflammation and anxiety. In addition to its nutritional properties, hemp oil can be used directly on the skin for its nourishing and moisturising effects. Because of this, it is found in many skincare products and cosmetics.

Common uses for CBD oil are mainly therapeutic. There is some evidence that CBD oil may offer pain relief and research has also suggested that CBD oil may have a calming and relaxing effect

You've probably seen that CBD is now available in all sorts of products including oils, gummies, soft drinks and coffee as well as skin care products such as muscle balms.

What about risks or unwanted side-effects? 

Hemp oil is considered to be a safe product with no side-effects or interactions with medications. Some reported unwanted effects of CBD oil may include reduced appetite, diarrhoea and drowsiness. 

A comprehensive review suggested possible interactions of CBD with other medications to including drugs for epilepsy, antidepressants, opioid pain killers and Warfarin (a blood thinner). 

As with all forms of medical cannabis, sticking to the “start low and go slow” method of introducing CBD is always recommended so that you can check for any unwanted effects.

How to choose the right treatment for you

It is important to think about what, if any, medication you are already taking, and familiarise yourself with any of the potential side-effects or interactions that may be relevant for you if you are considering dipping your toe in the water with CBD oil containing products. 

Also, remember that hemp oil and CBD oil are not the same as the prescribed medical cannabis, which often contain THC in flower form, and may not deliver the same degree therapeutic effects as medical cannabis available on prescription.


Hemp oil and CBD oil are both derived from the cannabis plant but they are not the same. Hemp oil is rich in “good fats” and may help to keep your heart healthy. 

CBD oil contains one of the important cannabinoids in cannabis. 

Some people find CBD oil helpful with their pain and it can be relaxing too. However, it does not offer the same level of therapeutic benefit as cannabis medications currently available in the UK when prescribed by a specialist doctor. 

If you would like to find out more about how medical cannabis could help manage your symptoms, book an Alternaleaf appointment today.