Health Benefits of Hemp Oil

Alternaleaf Team
Written by
Alternaleaf Team
Aug 1, 2024
Last updated:
Aug 28, 2024

Move over olive oil. 

As cannabis laws continue to loosen all over the world, as does the stigma about hemp. 

Far from a shady substance, hemp oil is being shown to be a medical marvel.

Today, hemp oil supplements are booming, at the same time researchers publish studies that showcase a wide range of hemp oil benefits.

Before we explore these in detail – first, a definition.

What Is Hemp Oil?

Hemp seed oil – aka hemp oil – is made by cold-pressing hemp seeds, much like olive oil is extracted from olives. 

While hemp and cannabis belong to the same family of plants (cannabis sativa), the main difference is the amount of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). This is the psychoactive compound in cannabis that can create a euphoric ‘high’. 

Many medical cannabis products feature THC, as it can have a real and rapid impact on various health problems. Hemp contains little more than a trace amount (maximum 0.3%) of THC, however.

As such, hemp does not have the same legal restrictions as THC-based products. This means it can be used in a diverse range of settings – from food and cosmetics to manufacturing and energy production.

Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil: What’s the Difference?

Hemp and CBD oil often get confused. 

To be fair, it doesn’t help that both are sold over-the-counter, with many people (and companies) using the terms interchangeably. 

And yet, their differences are clear.

While hemp oil is solely derived from the cannabis sativa plant seeds, CBD oil features a broader range of ingredients.

As you’d expect from its name, CBD oil is high in cannabidiol – the main non-intoxicating compound found in the cannabis plant. 

Hemp oil contains little to no CBD, but is rich in fatty acids like omega-6 and omega-3, vitamins B and D, and gamma-linolenic acid. This blend of antioxidants makes hemp oil a versatile and sought after substance. 

You’ll find a rundown of the many potential health benefits of hemp oil – and the science that supports it – below. 

Hemp Oil for Pain Relief

There is some data to support the use of hemp oil for inflammation – a major factor in many chronic pain conditions. 

For example, a 2016 review (and another, in 2010) found that gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), which hemp oil is rich in, helps to reduce inflammation. Likewise omega-3s, as shown in a 2011 study

Beyond the obvious, short-term impact on pain, lowering inflammation can help reduce long-term risk of diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Hemp Oil Skincare Benefits

There is reliable evidence to demonstrate hemp oil skincare benefits. 

In 2005, researchers found hemp oil made a significant difference on atopic eczema, by boosting levels of GLA, alongside essential fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid.

Similarly, a 2014 paper weighed up 15 separate psoriasis trials that used omega-3 (found in hemp) oil, with 12 of these “showing clinical benefit”. 

Hemp Oil for Hair Growth

There is emerging research to suggest hemp oil could play a role in treating alopecia – as noted in a 2023 trial, where 75% of participants saw a positive outcome.

There is equally promising research from 2015, that supported the effect of omega-3 and omega-6 in improving hair diameter and density.

Hemp Oil for Sleep

There is growing evidence to imply medical cannabis can help with insomnia – high-THC and CBD strains alike.

While there is little data around hemp oil specifically, research has shown hemp seeds can feature high levels of melatonin – the compound that helps the body regulate the sleep-wake cycle. 

Not only that, various fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants present in hemp oil (e.g. vitamin E, omega-3, omega-6) are known to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which may also have a positive effect on sleep.

Hemp Oil for Mental Health

Unlike THC and CBD (where research is well-established), there is not much research on hemp oil for anxiety. 

Yet in 2021, a pioneering study explored the potential benefit of hemp as an anti-depressant. In it, academics found that hemp significantly increased the levels of dopamine and serotonin (both of which are seriously depleted among people with depression) in the brain.

While further studies are needed to back up the findings, this is a hugely promising sign.

Hemp Oil Dosage

There are no fixed or strict guidelines around hemp dosage. 

In broad terms, one tablespoon of hemp seed oil will contain roughly: 125 calories, 14 grams of fat, 11 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids, 2 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids and 1 gram of saturated fatty acids.

The right dose will depend on what you are hoping to treat, as well as several factors like tolerance, height, weight and more. 

As a rule, it’s always best to seek advice from a doctor before starting treatment.

Risks and Side Effects

Given its chemical makeup, hemp oil side effects are less of a concern than for THC and CBD-dominant products. Yet all medication can pose risks.

Without doubt, the biggest risk is hemp oil’s impact on blood pressure. As, while it’s encouraging that hemp may help lower blood pressure among people with hypertension, caution is strongly advised for anyone with hypotension.


  • Hemp oil is extracted from the cannabis sativa plant, and made by cold pressing hemp seeds. 
  • While it contains virtually no THC or CBD, hemp has a wide range of uses – from cosmetic to agricultural – and offers a variety of health benefits when used as an oil.
  • There are positive signs that hemp oil may help treat inflammation, ease skin conditions, promote sleep, foster hair growth and reduce symptoms of depression, although more studies are needed to verify this.
  • There are no published guidelines around hemp oil dosages, and risks are believed to be minimal except among people with low blood pressure.

For more information, or to find out if hemp oil may be the right treatment for you, get in touch with Alternaleaf today