Can Cannabis Help You Lose Weight?

Alternaleaf Team
Written by
Alternaleaf Team
Oct 7, 2024
Last updated:
Oct 7, 2024

Cannabis’ impact on weight loss isn’t straight-forward. In fact, cannabis doesn’t directly affect weight loss at all. Instead, experts believe cannabis can help with underlying factors that contribute to weight gain in some people. 

To fully understand the link between cannabis use and weight, a lot more research is needed. And that’s exactly what’s happening. But for the meantime, we’ve explored some of the things we do know about how medical cannabis can help people manage weight effectively. 

How Does Cannabis Influence Weight?

Appetite Control

Most people assume cannabis increases your appetite - it’s often associated with ‘the munchies’ in pop culture. And while THC may cause people to feel hungry, there’s evidence to suggest that CBD reduces the appetite, and in turn can help a person lose weight.

This is all due to the endocannabinoid system, or the ECS, a messenger and receptor system that is integral to homeostasis (the management of balance) within the human body. The ECS influences and modulates pretty much every single function within your body, directing, correcting and managing your overall health. Ever heard of ‘runners high’? Well, that doesn’t actually have anything to do with endorphins, and is more likely related to the ECS. 

One of the core components of the ECS are the cannabinoid receptors, which includes CB1 and CB2. They’re one of the main reasons behind why cannabis works so positively on so many different conditions. And this is where appetite comes in. 

The authors of a 2018 study note CB1 may help to reduce appetite and therefore control obesity by blocking off or “deactivating” the receptor that causes us to eat even when we’re not really hungry. They also discovered that stimulating the CB2 receptors decreases inflammation and reduces food intake, thereby possibly helping reduce obesity.

How Does Cannabis Effect Metabolism?

The ECS also plays a fundamental role in regulating appetite and metabolism, as well as how our bodies store energy.

Research suggests that overactivation of the CB1 receptors in the fat tissue throughout the body could be partly responsible for obesity and several metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, being closely linked.  

Research shows that cannabis interacts with CB1 receptors, specifically impacting metabolism and potentially lowering body mass index (BMI). High amounts of cannabis appear to increase metabolism and reduce energy storage, resulting in a lower BMI.

Impact on Insulin Sensitivity

Studies have found that using medical cannabis can help manage blood sugar levels and help improve insulin resistance. 

Insulin is a key hormone that regulates your blood sugar levels. When the body is exposed to too much blood sugar over an extended period of time, you can develop insulin resistance, or Type 2 diabetes

High blood sugar is damaging, so your body tries to remove the excess. It stores extra sugar in your liver and muscles. When they're full, the liver sends the remaining sugar to be stored as body fat, causing weight gain.

Medical cannabis can help make the body more sensitive to insulin. Some people have also associated a lower fasting insulin level compared to those who were not using cannabis.

But, like with all things, it’s important to begin slowly and see how medical cannabis affects you and your body. It may be different to how it affects someone else. 

How to Use Cannabis to Lose Weight?

Incorporating cannabis into your weight-loss plan can be done in different ways - whether that be to help you sleep, or to put you in a better mindset for committing to your health goals. But you need to make sure what you do is right for your specific needs and aligns to your personal medical history. It’s always a good idea to discuss this with a specialist doctor or pharmacist if you’re unsure.   

Exercising regularly, even just a short walk, goes a long way in keeping your body happy and healthy. Where does cannabis come in? It can be great in helping you get up and moving, and then can relieve your body of pain after a long and difficult hike or workout. 

There’s also evidence that weight gain can be a symptom of mental health conditions like anxiety or depression. Treating these conditions with medical cannabis, could also reduce symptoms of emotional eating, and consequently help you lose weight.

Some cannabinoids are thought to have a more profound impact on weight management, particularly CBD, which has demonstrated unique effects on appetite and metabolism. The cannabinoid ‘THCV’ is also currently being researched for its potential benefits in these areas. However, it’s not yet available on the medical market, and research on its efficacy and safety is still ongoing.

Potential Risks and Legal Considerations

Health Risks and Side Effects

While studies show that CBD and weight loss can go hand in hand, there are a few important things to remember.

Medical cannabis isn’t a magical solution for weight loss. You have to put in the work too, and adding cannabis to a weight loss plan without also exercising and eating healthy foods may not result in any benefits. Cannabis is more like a helping hand along the way, and isn’t guaranteed to make you lose weight.

Is it legal?

Yes, medical cannabis has been legal in the UK since 1st November 2018. But there are a few things to be aware of. You’ll need a diagnosis for a qualifying condition such as chronic pain or anxiety, and it’ll need to be prescribed by a specialist doctor. You can find out if you’re eligible by heading to the Alternaleaf website and filling out our questionnaire. 

And just because it’s legal in the UK, doesn’t mean it’s legal everywhere. It is always a good idea to check if you’re travelling somewhere, what their rules and laws are around medical cannabis. 


Although there is evidence to suggest medical cannabis can help with weight loss, more research is needed. Cannabis isn’t solely responsible for weight loss in most cases, and it works best alongside healthy eating, regular exercise and a balanced lifestyle. 

Before you make any major changes to your lifestyle, we recommend speaking to a pharmacist or specialist doctor. There’s lots of information on the Alternaleaf website, and we’re always here to help with any questions you may have.